Christmas is for giving, but between the onslaught of toy catalogs, you-tubers and influencers who have your kids undivided attention, even when you don't (sitting in a room full of toys that are impossible to find) — it has a way of turning the sweetest, most cherub child into a greedy little elf.
Unfortunately, it seems more heightened than ever during the Christmas season as we are all inundated with all the “must haves” of the season.
Since kindness and generosity is learned, it’s something so important to put into practice. In our house we make “blessing bags” for people we come into contact with that are in need. We have them in the car or with us should the opportunity present itself to help.
We usually have the kids pass them out, even when it feels a little uncomfortable to them, so they can see up close and personal what the REAL “must haves” are.
Practicing something that feels a little sacrificial on their end is helpful too, like taking on one of their sibling’s chores for the week, giving up their place in line, forgoing allowance to give to someone who needs it. Also volunteering at a food pantry or soup kitchen gives real insight to what it feels like to truly need.
Bottom line, it really is all things we already know, but sometimes we can all use a reminder, that the best gifts are those which impact someone's heart ------- and in the end, end up impacting our own hearts most.